Decks are the perfect outdoor retreat for relaxation, gatherings, and creating lasting memories with loved ones. However, exposure to outdoor elements like rain, wind, and snow can take a toll on your deck, leaving it dirty and susceptible to mold, algae, mildew, and bacteria. Protecting your wooden deck from rot and degradation requires regular maintenance, and Ore Creek Power Washing, LLC offers the ideal solution for homeowners throughout Brighton, Michigan, and the surrounding areas. Our expertise in deck cleaning will leave your deck looking pristine and ready for endless enjoyment.
For optimal results, deck cleaning should be entrusted to professionals. At Ore Creek Power Washing, LLC, we use eco-friendly and pet-friendly cleaning solutions, expertly adjusting the dilution amounts and cleaner ratios to provide the safest and most effective cleaning solution for each unique situation. Instead of relying solely on high-pressure washing, our cleaning solutions gently lift and loosen dirt, grime, and previous finishes from the deck's surface. This approach not only ensures a thorough clean but also protects the delicate wood fibers.
Your fence is a significant investment, and proper maintenance is essential to make the most out of your money. At Ore Creek Power Washing, LLC, we understand the value of a well-maintained fence, and our fence cleaning services can transform the look of your yard by making your fence appear practically new.
With years of experience serving homeowners throughout Brighton, Michigan, and the surrounding areas, Ore Creek Power Washing, LLC brings a solid reputation for professionalism, attention to detail, and superior customer service. Our cleaning solutions are eco-friendly and pet-friendly, and we meticulously fine-tune the dilution amounts and cleaner ratios for the safest and most effective results. Instead of relying solely on high-pressure washing, we use our specialized cleaning solutions to lift and loosen dirt, grime, and previous finishes from the fence's surface. This gentle approach helps protect the wood fibers and ensures a thorough and safe cleaning process.
An additional 3% fee to use a credit card will be added to the final bill.
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